
Find Your Fall Family Fun in Charleston with Our ABC Fall Bucket List!

26 ideas for fall traditions and fun for the whole family

By Jennifer Hill, publisher of Macaroni Kid Fremont, Calif./ Lisa Bayorek Publisher of Macaroni Kid Charleston September 19, 2019

Fall tends to be a great time of year many of us love because of the cooler weather, the changing trees, and the multitude of fall events that keep our weekends packed with fun.

What are your family traditions in the fall? If you're on the search for ideas to make this season special for your family, we have an alphabet of ideas for you!

Free and low-cost events in Charleston SC!   

Things to do with kids in Charleston, SC!  Who is ready for Fall?  I know I am!  I had a wonderful time putting together this this list for Charleston families and reflected upon how blessed we are to live in this beautiful city with so much rich history and so many amazing events!

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Here's our ABC fall bucket list of fun thing to do in the lowcountry :

Apples! Make homemade Apple pie, Apple dumplings or Apple bread with your kiddos!

Book a great venue for a fall party that comes to you like Carolina Gamerz , they have giant yard games, laser tag, knockerball, a video game truck and more!

Camp. Fall is the perfect time of year for camping. Spend your day hiking under beautiful gold and red trees and cuddle close during the cool nights by a campfire. 

Doughnuts. Visit one of our awesome doughnut shops like Glazed or the Donut Connection to get fun fall flavors like pumpkin, apple, or sweet potato.

Explore the Charleston or Lowcountry Children's museum. A cold or rainy fall day is the perfect time to finally explore that museum you've been meaning to take the family to see.

Fall festivals. We have tons listen on our calendar because they're so much fun!

Ghost stories. Pull up chairs around a backyard campfire for some spooky Halloween stories.

Haunted Swamp. Check out Cypress Garden for Halloween in the Swamp 

Indoor Swimming lessons at Brighton Swim Academy.
Jump and play at Rolly Pollies or Mellow & Play Cafe - be sure to check our calendar for their fall events!
Kite flying. Blustery fall days are the perfect time to get out the kite.

Long walks. Because walking is good for you.  
Maze!  Find your way out of West Farm''s Corn Maze
Neighborhood movie night. Check out how to make it extra special with these fun DIY cars for kids!

Oktoberfest! There are several family friendly Oktoberfests happening in the Lowcountry - check out our calendar! Prost!
Pumpkins! Carve them. Cook them. Bake with them. Love them. Visit one of our Pumpkin patches!
Quench your thirst. OK, we had to stretch a little bit on this one ... but how about some warm apple cider with the kids? Warm it on the stove with a few sticks of cinnamon to imbue your home with the smell of fall. 

Roast marshmallows over a bonfire on a chilly night.

Scarecrow. Check out Summerville's Scarecrows on the Square.

Tailgate. Hanging out with friends before the big football game is always a good time.
Unplug for the day. Turn off the electronics, ignore the TV, and leave the phone behind to spend a beautiful fall day completely tuned in to your family.
Visit a National Park. Did you know fourth graders and their families can visit national parks for free?
Water.  It is warm here to play outside in the water.  Plenty of time for a family fun day at Charleston Aqua Park!

marks the spot! Create a fall treasure hunt for your kids with a Halloween surprise at the end!

Yawn ... spend a lazy foul-weather Saturday at home cuddling on the couch, watching movies, and maybe even curling up in bed for a lovely mid-day nap.

Zoo! A fall visit to the zoo is always a treat! Head to the Riverbanks Zoo and Gardens for Boo at the Zoo

Hope this list helps you find your family's ABCs of fall fun! 

Jennifer Hill is the publisher of Macaroni Kid Fremont, Calif.